By Flattie - 14/09/2017 04:30

Today, I finally measured myself to find a properly fitted bra. I'm AAA, a size which doesn't technically exist. Goodbye self esteem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 583
You deserved it 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please don't let the size of your **** define who you are; your personality is more important for a long term relationship. This would have sounded like bullshit to me a few years ago, but now, at 28 years old, and dying inside to have my first real girlfriend, I understand it. **** I feel old. But please, don't think you are less valuable as a human being because of your chest size. Please.


Whenever you think that big breasts must be better than little ones, ask yourself this question. What will a 25 year old woman have between her big **** when she is 80? Answer: Her belly button.


Please don't let the size of your **** define who you are; your personality is more important for a long term relationship. This would have sounded like bullshit to me a few years ago, but now, at 28 years old, and dying inside to have my first real girlfriend, I understand it. **** I feel old. But please, don't think you are less valuable as a human being because of your chest size. Please.

Besides, anything over a B cup is just excess fat anyway.


you measure under your breast and take that number like 30 inches then measure on your chest and get that number like 32 then you would go two cup sizes up which would be B 30 because it's 2 inches if it was 34 it would be D 30 does that make sense?


Whenever you think that big breasts must be better than little ones, ask yourself this question. What will a 25 year old woman have between her big **** when she is 80? Answer: Her belly button.

"What will a 25 yr old woman do... when shes 80" thats some time travelling shit right there

Look at the bright side: you are sporting a couple of very popular batteries. You’re also a well-respected auto club!

Don't feel bad. Any large chested woman will be jealous of you. Bras are freakin expensive, the underwire stabs you, and breasts cause insane back pain (with or without the support of a bra). As a large chested woman, there are many things I can't do that you can easily. For example: sleep on your stomache, not knocking everything off the table whenever your turn slightly, run (yes, im serious. running is incredibly painful), play ANY sports, hug people, carrying large boxes, look down, not slam your breasts in doors (ive done this multiple times), and the list just goes on and on

Mathametic 14

In the same vein, wouldn't complaining about small boobs be the same whining then? Just shut up, if your small boobs bother you so much, get them enlarged. Whining about your small boobs is the dumbest thing to whine about.

There's ups and downs to both. You're oversexualized if you have large breasts and not sexy if you have small. But, larger breasts do tend to come with back trouble because of it. Also if you're really bitching about complaining..this whole FML is about complaining. Because both sides can really suck. There really isn't a "you have it easier!!", it's a case of the grass is always greener on the other side

I never mentioned that I have large breasts. I actually have breasts simmilar in size to OPs. I was merely pointing out some cons from the other perspective

I never mentioned that I have large breasts. I actually have breasts simmilar in size to OPs. I was merely pointing out some cons from the other perspective

Don't feel bad. Any large chested woman will be jealous of you. Bras are freakin expensive, the underwire stabs you, and breasts cause insane back pain (with or without the support of a bra). As a large chested woman, there are many things I can't do that you can easily. For example: sleep on your stomache, not knocking everything off the table whenever your turn slightly, run (yes, im serious. running is incredibly painful), play ANY sports, hug people, carrying large boxes, look down, not slam your breasts in doors (ive done this multiple times), and the list just goes on and on

Can't vote on THIS. To me, I can't say YLS. Definitely can't sayYDI. This is a circumstance out of your control(sure there are implants you could get, but please DON'T do IT). If anyone judges you by the size of your breasts? They ain't worth your time anyway. Don't let them ruin your day. Just smile, enjoy the fact that you are alive and healthy. And one day, some guy will love you. ALL of you. Good luck OP!

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Hey the size of your **** is way less important than your personality. Also depending on how old you are they might as well grow a bit in the future... And if they don't... hey there's always plastic surgery...

Donut_Wizard 23

At least you can dress up like the Energizer Bunny for Halloween.

tarabella 7

why do you even want a bra? wear something like a sports bra or a crop top under lighter tops. bras are definitely the most uncomfortable things to wear ever! even with smaller or average sized boobs. i get it why it is kinda annoying to have small boobs but look on the bright side of it :) don't focus on the negative, it's not so bad