Bear of a man

By Marcus Whitfield - 14/03/2020 15:00

Today, I came to the unsettling realisation that the 2XL jacket that was originally 3 sizes too big for me is now a perfect fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 383
You deserved it 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been to the gym and packed on some muscles? Congrats.


Been to the gym and packed on some muscles? Congrats.

WistayShlaio82 13

Age will sneak up on you like that

I feel you! I started a health journey finally after waiting far too long to work on my health. I started it 2/10. I feel so much better. Next weigh in is tomorrow, but so far, I’ve lost 18 lbs and 13 inches. It’s a program that teaches a bunch of healthy habits and then transitions you back into the real world of more calories and stuff after you reach your goal weight. Pretty cool! I’m not a health coach, nor do I ever plan on becoming one. No thanks

ftpallday666 16