By ypsitucky - 26/07/2011 01:32 - United States

Today, a drunk crashed a truck into my porch. Shaken up, I was glad to see that so many of my neighbors had gathered around to comfort me. When the dust settled, I noticed my remaining porch furniture was missing. They weren't consoling me, they were casing the place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 668
You deserved it 3 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How long was the cloud of dust around your porch that you didn't notice them taking stuff?

Those bastards, take their lawn ornaments.


how could you not notice it was being taken from your porch?

strainer04 8

33. great way to put it. when something strange happens fast like this the last thing you would be watching out for is dumb asses stealing stuff.

narcosoldier 2

mommmmmmmaaaaaa go get shot gun

people suck... that's so ridiculous :/


He must have been rushing his way to a date with someone he met online.


If you do not understand please look at the post before this.

39, I'd imagine the incident happened on the porch? where else would she be? I'm not exactly an idiot for wondering how she couldn't have noticed. you need to calm the **** down.

MsRandomKatie 0

or hate in this case.... just saying... I'd be pissed.

sourgirl101 28

Lucky you weren't sitting on that porch at that time. Sorry about you neighbors being thieves. I uses to living in a bad neighborhood too. If I didn't plant my plants right away, they would steal them in their pots!

compasseagle89 8

you have terrible neighbors. why they would pick that time to steal your furniture is beyond me. way to add insult to injury! but anyway, they weren't really "casing the joint." casing is only for observational purposes, and they were actually doing it. for example, one would "case" a gas station and look for cameras, exits, number of employees, how many customers are around, etc.