There's other ways to service your country

By Anonymous - 30/05/2022 18:00

Today, to add to the pointlessness of my existence, not only have I been rejected from the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy, I received a rejection notice from the Army Reserves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 818
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I admire the apparent patriotism, but not all of our dreams are possible. Sometimes they require either a specific type of preparation or a specific level of physical and mental health. There have to be other career choices open to you. If you are still in school talk to your guidance counselor for ideas or guidance. Ideally when we are still young we may identify what type of career or work or interests resonates with our talents and interests and then work towards preparing for that career. If you don’t do that then it may be difficult to follow your dreams. I don’t know if you are desperate for a job and the military seemed your last apparent option or if there was something about serving in the military that just appealed to you. If it’s the first thing (desperate for a job) then look harder for things that you are qualified for - Now is a pretty good time to be looking for a job. If it’s that something about being and serving in the military that specifically appeals to you there are other jobs and careers that offer the ability to be useful and gain the camaraderie of your peers. It depends on what your talents and condition is and why you were turned down for military service. It will take some preparation to be a EMT or nurse, as an example, but if you make a realistic plan you can get there.

On your application, did you say your main reason for joining was "to kill a bunch of motherfuckers?" That's what they want you to THINK, but you should be smart enough not to SAY it out loud.


On your application, did you say your main reason for joining was "to kill a bunch of motherfuckers?" That's what they want you to THINK, but you should be smart enough not to SAY it out loud.

I am reminded of several verses from Arlo Gunther’s “Alice’s Restaurant Massacre” where the singer was rejected from being drafted into the military because of a previous conviction for littering…

We never wanted killers only soldiers. Most people can not be trained to kill and most of the military does not train a person to kill anyway that is not effective training. Its easier to teach a person to react, yet shockingly hard to teach a person to kill, So no the military wants people that can follow directions not killers. So somewhere while talking to a recruiter they failed to follow directions, or the person had a medical disability.

I admire the apparent patriotism, but not all of our dreams are possible. Sometimes they require either a specific type of preparation or a specific level of physical and mental health. There have to be other career choices open to you. If you are still in school talk to your guidance counselor for ideas or guidance. Ideally when we are still young we may identify what type of career or work or interests resonates with our talents and interests and then work towards preparing for that career. If you don’t do that then it may be difficult to follow your dreams. I don’t know if you are desperate for a job and the military seemed your last apparent option or if there was something about serving in the military that just appealed to you. If it’s the first thing (desperate for a job) then look harder for things that you are qualified for - Now is a pretty good time to be looking for a job. If it’s that something about being and serving in the military that specifically appeals to you there are other jobs and careers that offer the ability to be useful and gain the camaraderie of your peers. It depends on what your talents and condition is and why you were turned down for military service. It will take some preparation to be a EMT or nurse, as an example, but if you make a realistic plan you can get there.

wysegirl 24

How bad was your ASVAB score? If you have medical issues you can try to get it waivered. GL OP