By WorkerBee - 17/03/2019 02:00

Today, I found out I didn't get accepted into a program I was nominated to attend at work that all other applicants with less experience than myself did. I found out when they asked if I had gotten the acceptance email. They didn't even bother telling me I was rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 035
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don’t get it. If they rejected you why were they asking if you got the acceptance email?


Probably some idiot kid of some rich prick stole your sport. Watch the news.

I don’t get it. If they rejected you why were they asking if you got the acceptance email?

I think OP meant that the other applicants who were accepted asked if he also got an acceptance e-mail, not the higher ups who sent the e-mail.

Rejection letters are SO 1990! The cool companies these days simply ghost their rejectees. When you call to check on your status, they have a pre-recorded message, “New phone, who dis?”