By Noname - 24/01/2009 19:14 - United States

Today, I got a letter from the Navy saying that they accepted my application to join the Navy. I never applied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 474
You deserved it 2 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of my ex. I got so upset when he was late for our dates he promised he would be on time again. Come a time after we broke uo geeting up and getting our stuff back, he goes back to his old ways and makes up the crappie excuses, third time I finally got my shit back.

Oh shoot, I just realized I commented on the wrong FML and can't delete it while on thenapp:(


Reminds me of my ex. I got so upset when he was late for our dates he promised he would be on time again. Come a time after we broke uo geeting up and getting our stuff back, he goes back to his old ways and makes up the crappie excuses, third time I finally got my shit back.

Oh shoot, I just realized I commented on the wrong FML and can't delete it while on thenapp:(