Pure concentration

By Anonymous - 30/05/2022 16:00

Today, my boyfriend bought Elden Ring and hasn’t listened to me once all day. At one point I got his attention by waving my bare boobs at him to remind him it’s his turn to cook. Unfortunately he didn’t listen to me then either, because, you know, my boobs were out and his ears shut down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 982
You deserved it 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A popular video game the boyfriend is in love with.


mattiagardin 15

...just be happy that your boyfriend found something that makes him happy and cook tonight asking him later to cook twice next week?

wrenavery90 12

A popular video game the boyfriend is in love with.

It's a sex toy. Once a guy gets an Elden Ring, sex with other humans is a downgrade.

cook for yourself and he can fend for himself if he gets hungry.