Too much feeling!

By buckerooo - 03/12/2019 20:00

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting frisky when we decide to try the old 69. One thing leads to another when her clit ring went deep into my nose, and leaving me feeling like the wrong kind of bull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 936
You deserved it 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Only one question -- how on Earth this didn't deserve a chilly pepper?! :-)

What kind of bull did you want to be? An elephant bull? A bull shark? Bullshit?


Only one question -- how on Earth this didn't deserve a chilly pepper?! :-)

What kind of bull did you want to be? An elephant bull? A bull shark? Bullshit?

oP here I just wanted to be like a raging bull you know how it is don’t you?

No. I leave the animalistic rutting to the animals. And teenagers. Once you break a bed, while simultaneously knocking yourself out on the headboard, you either learn pretty quickly to rein it in, or you forget because of your concussion.