First time?

By Anonymous - 31/07/2021 23:01 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my long-term boyfriend and I went on a romantic getaway. In the hotel we were having great sex, I was so close to… and then he farted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 952
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Farts happen. Just laugh and go on with what you’re doing.

Unless you were tossing his salad at the time I don’t see the problem here. It happens.


You should dump him immediately and find a man who doesn't fart! You deserve it! I'm sure such a creature exists.

Farts happen. Just laugh and go on with what you’re doing.

Unless you were tossing his salad at the time I don’t see the problem here. It happens.

DolaMike 5

my question is " did he stop when he farted? did you laugh?