Proof of love

By oh. - 15/12/2019 14:00 - United States

Today, I flew cross-country to see my girlfriend of three years. Once I got there, she broke up with me. I was supposed to be staying for a month and now I have nowhere to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 490
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She should either pay for you to stay at a hotel or pay for you to get a sooner flight back. It seems like she's knew she wanted to break up before you got there and maybe even before you booked the ticket. She could have saved you a lot of time, money, and inconvenience by just doing it over the phone before you went to see her. Probably a good thing you're done with someone who's so inconsiderate.

The grammar annoys me most about this. 'cross country' not across the country?


She should either pay for you to stay at a hotel or pay for you to get a sooner flight back. It seems like she's knew she wanted to break up before you got there and maybe even before you booked the ticket. She could have saved you a lot of time, money, and inconvenience by just doing it over the phone before you went to see her. Probably a good thing you're done with someone who's so inconsiderate.

While she should, I wouldn’t want anything from her or to trust her not to report the charges as stolen. Most airlines have a small fee and you pay the difference if the flight is more. Dead ding on level of ticket, fee is waived and just difference. I juggle this shit too much. Hope op is already home with how long these take to cycle through sometimes.

YMCA, it's fun to stay at the YMCA! Or Heartbreak Hotel. Or AirBnB. Sorry you've lost such a high-quality individual that would let you fly out just to dump you. She sounds like a keeper!

The grammar annoys me most about this. 'cross country' not across the country?