By mylifereallysuks - 08/11/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, I got an email from my cute teacher about reminding us to bring stuff for the next lesson. As a joke I clicked on reply and wrote about how I think he is so cute and handsome. Right then and there I clicked to go look at other messages. A little box came up..."MESSAGE SENT". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 837
You deserved it 62 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

Dear Mr Handsome, You are liek so freakin' cute and handsome. I want to hold you for ever and ever. You're so much better than my other ugly teachers. Maybe someday we'll get married. Oh and, thanx for sending me that message about the lesson, I will totally bring stuff! =) Good thing I'm not sending this, or else I'd have to learn how to pass your class with a restraining order against me. lolz

Perhaps it was joking =) If it wasn't though, just tell him your account was hacked. Hopefully that should keep you outta trouble =P


The exact same thing has happened to me - it sucks, big time =(

Expertfail 0

How do you all manage these things!? It doesn't seem *that* hard to not send an email... ??

Well when your cat decides to jump up onto your keyboard, its kinda hard to control.

jchansfan 0

Oh, Its harder than you think. :P

I struggle to see why you would be typing out an email response like that when you had no intention to reply? Maybe i'm just missing out on all the cool things to do these days

fmposter 0

Wow, my teacher just sent out an email to class and I live in California.

You could just e-mail your teacher again saying: "Sorry, my friend from another school sent that while I was in the bathroom." Problem solved.

philmore 0

okay. honestly what the Hell does this have to do with anything? especially because it gives no background story. it makes no since what so ever.

taoxyeuxmay 4

YOU make no "since" what so ever

dudeitsdanny 9

"Sense" when do FMLs have room for a background story? Would you like me to write one and develop the story and characters slowly in a few characters? ;D I agree with 74. You make no "since"

IT has as much to do with anything as every post on this site. It also makes perfect "since". dumbass

themillerdevin 0

Doesn't have to be. Just tell the teacher that you left your e-mail open and someone went into it and sent it trying to mess with you.

Perhaps it was joking =) If it wasn't though, just tell him your account was hacked. Hopefully that should keep you outta trouble =P

^Pretty good idea. Just say you left your email signed in and a friend did it.

jchansfan 0

He might just not bring it up though. Then there'll be that inevitable awkwardness tainting their relationship from that point on. lol Though hopefully he's got a good sense of humour and will consider it a harmless mistake. Since she thinks he's so "cute" that probably means he's still a younger teacher, and most of them are pretty cool and understanding. And the ones that aren't usually aren't very popualr with their students... :P

yeah it doesn't seem that bad to me. as soon as i read it, i was just like, you ~insert nemesis from class's name~ did it, because i left my email logged in by accident.

jchansfan 0

Dear Mr Handsome, You are liek so freakin' cute and handsome. I want to hold you for ever and ever. You're so much better than my other ugly teachers. Maybe someday we'll get married. Oh and, thanx for sending me that message about the lesson, I will totally bring stuff! =) Good thing I'm not sending this, or else I'd have to learn how to pass your class with a restraining order against me. lolz

jchansfan 0


Wow. If anyone needs me I'll be over there, laughing.

taoxyeuxmay 4

Mistakes are a far better teacher than human could ever be. And usually, they're a lot less attractive. Life's a bitch, YDI.

Agreed. What the hell were you thinking actually typing that anyway? The solution for mistakenly sending embarrassing things is not typing embarrassing things that you don't want to send in the first place.

Reality_bites 14

People, when are you going to learn that if youre going to compose such emails, they always end up being sent unless you delete the name in the "TO" line first before creating said email. I guess you can be grateful that you didnt click on the "Reply ALL" button and send it to everyone else as well!


you said like a teenage girl who thinks it's funny to **** with a teacher. btw now he'll might like you back and that neverends well

Oh my god, I love you! I never knew about this feature. I just checked it out, and now I'm quite content. You are f-awesome! ^_^

SKRules 0

What is it with people and writing e-mails/texts they never intend to send and would be disastrous if they did? How is that a good idea? And how hard is it to keep your finger off of the send button?