The man don't give a ****

By Nachos4lifs - 08/11/2019 01:00

Today, after years of pretty much no sex from my long term partner, I admitted I was having dreams about sex with other people, hoping to get a reaction from him. However, he didn't react at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 740
You deserved it 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You need to have a very direct conversation about your wants and needs. Counseling (couples or individual) may help as well.



You need to have a very direct conversation about your wants and needs. Counseling (couples or individual) may help as well.

Did they mention that you may be fat?

What reaction do you want? It's dreams. You can't control what you dream about and being upset about someone's dreams would be stupid.

Mathalamus 24

You are correct. It's just a dream.

ZealousR47 4

did you miss the part where theyve barely been intimate for years?

No I didn't, and that sucks for her. But that doesn't change anything about the dream or the response to the dream.

I think the fact that you've gone years with him not interested is your first clue your relationship has big issues. Maybe you should talk to each other. why stay in a relationship where neither of you are happy.

Because he’s actually sleeping with other people.

Years of no sex? How can you and why would you stay with them for that long? Have you guys tried counseling?

Honestly, please go to a doctor low sex drive can actually be a symptom of serious things, adrenal cancer for one.