Does she really love me?

By fml9124 - 07/11/2019 20:00

Today, my wife and I watch the Chargers play the Packers. Philip Rivers is the Chargers quarterback. Out of the blue, my wife says "Philip is a stupid name." My middle name is Philip. We have been married 32 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 941
You deserved it 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really?? All you have to be upset about is that your wife doesn't like your middle name? I think you'll be ok.


Glitterbaby2613 20

dont worry, its your middle name, tge first and last name are the most important

All names are stupid. Doesn't matter if you're called Philip, Irene, Sid... whatever. The worst ones are names like Dick Smalls, and Mike Hunt.

Exactly! No matter what you're named, someone will think it's dumb. It's just a conglomeration of syllables that helps discriminate one blob of cells from another. And most people don't seem to like their middle name. I love mine. Myric. like lyric.

That's a stupid name. You need a better name, something like Samuel L. Jackson.

chrissutter35 5

Didn’t they play The Raiders, starting to see something here

People aren't the only things that can have stupid names?

Really?? All you have to be upset about is that your wife doesn't like your middle name? I think you'll be ok.

Sounds like she forgot your middle name, OP. Does she remember it now?

Hey, just because she married you doesn't mean she likes or has to like your name.