The Hitchhiker

By hitchhiked - 04/01/2012 06:28 - United States

Today, I picked up a hitchhiker. He was well dressed, and seemed trustworthy. As soon as he got in, he pulled out a gun and stole my wallet and car. All of this occurred in front of a sign warning against picking up hitchhikers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 974
You deserved it 86 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazyj12006 3

Whenever I drive by a hitchhiker, not helping them makes me feel guilty. But at the same time, you never know who they are or what they could do.


I have a hard time believing this one, its just too perfect.

This hitchhiker had major chutzpah to carjack you in front of that sign.

IM thinking y'all need to see the hitchhikers guide to the galax Y

It's the well dressed hitchhikers you worry about. Pick up the hippie/hobo/other smelly ones.

HunterAlpha1 8

i bet OP is one of those people who leaves their car running and smokes and talks on the phone while pumping gas.

You ******* deserve it didn't they teach you in driving school or drivers Ed to not pick up hitchhiker it's not allow! You never know what they will do!

The Rugburns: Don't pick up hitchhiker joe. He'll slit your throat and cut off your big toe.

Pretty lucky he didn't pistol whip u or butt rape you either . Picking up a hitch hiker is only done in movies not real life . Unless its in the back of the truck where Mexicans belong .