By SHUTCHINS - 14/10/2017 12:00 - United Kingdom - Canterbury

Today, while my fiancé was showing me the finger guard on his brand new, very sharp knife, he managed to slice his finger open and throw the knife onto my leg, cutting me also. There's now a nice trail of blood on the carpet all the way to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 331
You deserved it 302

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Good, now you won't get lost finding the bathroom. Just follow the blood trail.

Looks like that finger guard was a bloody failure! Get it? Or is my humo(u)r too cutting-edge?



Maybe your boyfriend is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.....

Your fiancé is not allowed to use a knife ever again!!! Not even a butter knife

Lobby_Bee 17

Good, now you won't get lost finding the bathroom. Just follow the blood trail.

Hydrogen peroxide will remove the blood from the carpet -- just make sure to test it in an inconspicuous spot first, to make sure it won't bleach the color out of the carpet too. You can buy it in any drug store for about two dollars a bottle.

rubing alcohol works without bleaching if the peroxide test does bleach your carpet

I'm simultaneously slightly impressed and mildly disturbed by the readiness of blood stain removal suggestions here.

What is with the need to show off really sharp knives, machetes, and katanas? All that one ends up impressing is how much medical help will be needed afterwards.

Looks like that finger guard was a bloody failure! Get it? Or is my humo(u)r too cutting-edge?

I think a lot of your puns are sharp and on point.

If his finger's still attached, the knife isn't sharp enough. True fact.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Oh. THAT's why we have a first-aid-kit on every corner in our school...

sounds like you're saying knives are a problem at that school. that's disturbing.

*has a guest* guest:”where’s the bathroom?” You:”just follow the trail of blood.”

Imagine if the guard /wasn't/ that would've been ugly!