By weldingmachine217 - 16/11/2015 21:47 - United States - Blanchard

Today, I went to the bowling alley. I have short, stubby fingers, and as I looked for a bowling ball that would fit my hand properly, an old man watched me searching, and approached asking, "Is that how you are with women? Fingering them, tossing them in the gutter, and looking for another?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 251
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste


My grandfather once asked when I'm getting married because I'm starting to "look like an old cow" I'm 22. Gotta love old people

Not to be a creep or anything, but you look nice. (Don't worry, i'm not even 15 yet :p )

when you have to say "not to be a creep or anything", its prolly just best to not say anything at all

0to100rq 6

Totally being a creep and everything, but I'd milk you. (Don't worry, I'm not even close to 15 anymore :p )

Well, at least yours fingers don't look like prunes.

Love when old people just don't care anymore about what people think and say what they want. His life must be so amusing :)

8313girl 28

My dad does the same thing too but at least he says weird crazy stuff to people he knows. I think people get to a certain age where they have no filter and will say just about anything to unsuspecting people. I'll guess I'll lose my filter sooner or later. Here's to getting old! (Pass out whiskey shots!)

have some respect for those bowling ball holes!