Where am I?

By Anonymous - 02/04/2024 15:00

Today, in the neon-lit maze of Tokyo, I stumbled, drunk and disoriented, mistaken for a lost sailor. Arrested, I found myself at the wrong naval base. At 3 AM, two stern Master Chiefs arrived, confusion turning to relief as they whisked me away, navigating the streets like seasoned captains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 102
You deserved it 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you still drunk when you wrote this? Am I going to need to get drunk to understand it? Would it make more sense if it was written as a haiku? Help me out here.

L0life29 6

ok I’m a retired sailor and this didn’t even make sense to me….so…what?!


L0life29 6

ok I’m a retired sailor and this didn’t even make sense to me….so…what?!

Were you still drunk when you wrote this? Am I going to need to get drunk to understand it? Would it make more sense if it was written as a haiku? Help me out here.

wrecklesswfire 3