Thanks, Stephen King

By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 00:02 - United States - Buford

Today, on Facebook, I mentioned that I'd just finished reading the novel Pet Sematary. Two hours later, I'd lost two friends and my boyfriend, after they commented "learn to spell, dumbass", "u illiterate fucker", and "well, I'm not dating you for your brains, am I?" I hate humanity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 737
You deserved it 8 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better to rid yourself of fickle friends now than when it can really hurt you!

Point out to them that it's the correct spelling. I'd like to see their reactions.


catherinek 9

I like how some people are commenting saying you're dumb for spelling it "wrong" it's a ******* book you idiots that's how the word is spelled in the title

'Cause they didn't think to do look it up before commenting. Pretty lazy if you ask me.

Well then those people just weren't meant to be in your life.. It still sucks though. I am curious though, what's this book about?

dinosaurzombie 14

Have you never seen the movie? I mean, I haven't read it or seen it...but it's obvious, isn't it? Maybe a bit?

Wow.... Just wow...... They never heard of Stephan King and his pretty good horror themed stories, have they? Let alone watch any of the movies including that one? Shows how arrogant they are if you ask me if I may speak as blantly (or frankly, at that) as possible.

lizzieness 4

Good book, loved it, you did not need them if they did not know Stephen King.

Not that it's their fault that they've never heard of Pet Sematary, but was them bad-mouthing you really worth it?

That was so rude of them! Good thing you know now though.

At that point I personally would send them all a link to the book on Amazon, just to let them know who's truly a dumbass. But I'm kind of a bitch like that, so go for the high road, OP.

I hope you replied back with. "Apparently I'm not either. " to your bf with a link to the book.

Easy fix, in that you go to Google. Then copy the URL of a description of said book or movie. Paste URL under their insulting remarks. Educate them on how completely wrong they are.

PerrfectChaos 5

If I was you, I'd take a picture of the front cover and post it in the comments after them. Show them who the real dumbass is and who is dating who for the brains.