Thanks, Stephen King

By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 00:02 - United States - Buford

Today, on Facebook, I mentioned that I'd just finished reading the novel Pet Sematary. Two hours later, I'd lost two friends and my boyfriend, after they commented "learn to spell, dumbass", "u illiterate fucker", and "well, I'm not dating you for your brains, am I?" I hate humanity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 737
You deserved it 8 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better to rid yourself of fickle friends now than when it can really hurt you!

Point out to them that it's the correct spelling. I'd like to see their reactions.


Not only is it spelled correctly (the title was spelled wrong on purpose) it is also astounding that they called you illiterate after you finished a ******* door-stopper of a book. I hope find better friends/boyfriend who also have as good of a taste in literature as you do.

Wow. I, honestly, had not read the book and almost clicked you deserved before I myself was corrected by a huge King fan. It really sucks what happened to you and I hope it doesn't deter you from continuing to read books with a higher IQ and number of brain cells than some of the people who harassed you about it.

Books have neither IQ nor brain cells. :D

I believe that's the point. As in her friends have less than the book.

There's a special kind of irony in the fact your second friend calls you illiterate while writing the letter "u" instead of "you."

musiciangirl591 16

i thought the same thing :P

breezyblue33 19

Forget about posting a pic of the book. Bring the book to school and throw it in their faces.

I only heard about the book, and I also thought you would spell it differently. But I, for one, look it up before I start accusing :-) real friends get their facts straight before unfriending anyone

it's on the cover..and possibly on every footheader

Wow. No one in your life appreciates Stephen King? FYL

Whocarez 10

I smell bacon.......tssssssss

Disregard people aquire books. Or just surround yourself with like minds.

I wonder what their reactions would be if you posted on Facebook that you just watched Inglourious Basterds.