Mr Loverman

By Anonymous - 12/01/2023 10:00

Today, after my wife broke my heart years ago when she cheated, I then met my sexual ying, and developed a napalm relationship, but she lost her marriage and relies on me for everything. So now I have FOUR human beings relying on me. Nobody should say anything but I deserved it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200
You deserved it 1 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so confused. Who are these four adults who are reliant on you? Your wife is presumably (hopefully?) now your ex-wife and therefore in no way reliant on you. Your new sex buddy was a cheater who broke up her own marriage and is also in no way reliant on you. Fun fact! Being single doesn't mean you can't get a job and find somewhere to live. Unless you've left out some major part of this story it sounds like you've let perfectly capable adults take advantage of you.

Me, too. Are you supporting your wife's side piece and your ying's ex-husband?


I'm so confused. Who are these four adults who are reliant on you? Your wife is presumably (hopefully?) now your ex-wife and therefore in no way reliant on you. Your new sex buddy was a cheater who broke up her own marriage and is also in no way reliant on you. Fun fact! Being single doesn't mean you can't get a job and find somewhere to live. Unless you've left out some major part of this story it sounds like you've let perfectly capable adults take advantage of you.

Me, too. Are you supporting your wife's side piece and your ying's ex-husband?