Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 07/08/2021 16:01

Today, we have a double driveway, but after my wife left, someone parked in my wife’s spot, presumably to avoid the public car park fee a few streets away. I called a tow company and very specifically asked them to tow the intruding red car, but they towed my black work truck instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 118
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sixxis 7

Why weren't you out there making sure they did the job right?

We all know why that happened. #BlackTrucksMatter #DefundTheTowingCompanies


We all know why that happened. #BlackTrucksMatter #DefundTheTowingCompanies

Marcella1016 31

And if I know tow companies, they’re going to charge you to get your truck back anyway and they won’t release it until you pay them 😒 Sorry OP and good luck.

And the red car owner is going to go to the cops and have the OP and the towing company charged for conspiracy to commit auto theft. It would have been simpler to just take a dump on the red car's windshield. I don't know why people can figure out common-sense solutions for themselves.

sixxis 7

Why weren't you out there making sure they did the job right?