By Anonymous - 01/12/2011 03:11 - United States

Today, I was casually shopping at Walmart. Everything was normal until the young guy browsing the aisle next to me suddenly approached me and whispered "sperm" into my ear. My spine has never experienced a chill like this one before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 356
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ellybelly_502 4

Um I'm pretty sure it wasn't the word, but some creepy man coming up randomly and whispering ANYTHING remotely freakish would send chills down anyone's back, including your own.


He's gonna do something with that sperm…

He better otherwise he's just another dick who can't perform!

I bet OP is that guy named Spreme, and the man just couldn't pronounce his name right.


Jdimp 1

114- da fck is wrong wit you?

at #130, I was JUST thinking that. except in my mind it was "da fuq bro?"

imhungry112696 1

@130 lmao I was jus thinkin tha SAME thing!

This is one of those times FML needs a "WTF" button...

Why would that be a surprise? You get all kinds of weirdos in walmart... Run for ye life missy ye ain't wanna see where 'e's gonna stuff that sperm up!

He just has Tourette's, nothing to worry about.

He just has Tourette's, nothing to worry about.

He just has Tourette's, nothing to worry about.

Holy shit what is wrong with the commenting system I only pressed send once

61- I thought you were posting on purpose to make it sound like you had tourette's :p

64- QUADRUPLE POST with no thumbs down! When does that happen?

Im not denying that this is some creepy shit.. But this is quite the speculation.

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ellybelly_502 4

Um I'm pretty sure it wasn't the word, but some creepy man coming up randomly and whispering ANYTHING remotely freakish would send chills down anyone's back, including your own.

Well it sounds like the young guy did it for laughs

lmfao_shame 9
m0tl3ycru3 0

Forgot to clean up from last night?

Simba: riiieeeoooowwww!! Hyenas: wow that was really good! Do that again! Simba (mufasa): RRRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR... hyenas: O.O

I love the Lion King! It is one of my favorite movies!

Seriously one of the best tattoos I've seen in a while...

leadman1989 15

This thread is about to make me cry with thoughts of that movie and my childhood. *sucks it up But boys don't cry.

thanks :P it's a bit depressing when some people ask what it is though..

omggtfomi 1

I gave you a thumbs up because your tattoo Is kick ass

Scar: Long live the King... Moufasa: Ahhhhhh! Simba: Noooooooo! Epic Fading

borkchop1992 15

im pretty sure that its time to refill your pepper spray can

danielabella94 0

People are ******* weird these days. That's why you stay away from Walmart. Far away


But how will you get everyday low prices?

MaaaanWTF 1

Weird people are EVERYWHERE so why just stay away from Walmart? Stay away from the world! Far away. I recommend the planet Pluto. **** the haters! Pluto has been and always will be a planet!

Yeah, but you're really going to run that heating bill on pluto.

I'm creepy. For example, I predated your profile. This guy takes it home at ******* wierdo.

ninjuh_wingman 29

That sperms about to go somewhere you dont want it to go