
By yummy - 30/05/2011 03:34 - United States

Today, I learned that "eating someone out" didn't actually involve food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 566
You deserved it 84 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fuzzygraywolf 0

a wee bit behind on the learning curve are we? lol


It's called urban dictionary, son. By the way, I AM DISAPPOINT.

I say you deserve it purely because I feel spiteful you aren't telling us what you thought originally. The curiosity is killing me.

Garytt 0

it could involve food if you wanted ;)

hahaha..someone's still at first base...lamee.

perdix 29

Ever since I learned what the term meant (many years ago), I've never been able to say the one for dining away from one's home with a straight face.

ha ha ha ki ki ki,lmfaoooooo n i jus cant stop :D

luvyabunches 1

haha I learned what that meant when I was 12! .... from my brothers best friend...when they made me watch a video.... very detailed.... I did not have a good childhood!