Still relevant

By FMJoblessL - 04/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I am jobless after graduation. Ironic, since when I started college with my education degree, I was congratulated, told of the teacher shortage in my state, and how quickly I would be able to find a job. Three years in, the economy tanks, and the state issues a teacher hiring freeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 680
You deserved it 2 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks OP. But yeah, its just the american way to start cutting down expenses on education as soon as possible. (Not trying to be anti-american or anything, its just that my mother and several of her friends had to leave the US to find a job as a teacher for basically this same reason. It wont be the last time that'll happen).

boarder700 0

If the unions were willing to work with the states these things wouldn't be so severe. Cuts need to be made sometimes. The unions refuse cuts so things like hiring freezes are the only things states can do. They can't just print money like the Fed. You should start harassing the local teachers union. Unions suck - especially civil servant unions


nomocolon 0

I am in your boat! Got to love AZ!

mrbuddy 0

you're not alone. that's happened to many people recently.

tboudre 0

what happened to the "stimulus" package? stimulating Nancy Pelosi's high priced in air drinking binges, I suppose.

Welcome to half of the country. Sorry, but you're nothing special.

peacockfeather 0

Oh man, sorry about that OP.:( Hope things turn around for you.

Welcome to the real world. Seriously, the economy tanked for pretty much everyone. You aren't special. So stop e-whining and try to find a different job.

morgan020 0

Texas always needs teachers just don't bother coming down to south Texas we have too many. people who wanted to teach down here are having to move to other parts of the state to find a job. but one of the best things to donos get a degree in whatever subject you want to teach then get your teaching certificate so you have a degree in something besides teaching that you can fall back on. or at least that's how alot of teachers here do it.

OP: I don't know if you're the kind of person who likes adventure, but you could always move to a foreign country and teach ESL. So many countries desperately need English teachers, and you could really change your life if you did that. I, for one, would jump at the opportunity to teach English in France or Spain, or some other culture and history-rich country. Imagine what you'd derive from the experience. Good luck. :)

mileycyrusisgay 0

find a job in a different country teachig English as a second language. that's what I'm gonna do.

emmmilyyy 0

move to a different state and quit whining