By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 02:19 - Reserved

Today, after several long years, a lot of debt, and two great degrees from a top university, I had to move back in with my parents, because no matter where I look, I can't find a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 835
You deserved it 4 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I voted for change now that's all I have left

Degrees are pretty much a double edged sword. Sure you have a great degree, which really strengthens your chances of getting a great job, but until you actually get that job in this economy, the debt will Succumb you.


I know these comments are joking, but I'd take them seriously. Put your pride aside and take a job anywhere you can get- if it's at CVS or ******' Subway, so be it. Sure, you're overqualified, but take what you can get. Get back on your feet and you'll be okay.

marpay 11

Wendy's is where it's at right now. Everyone I drove past while traveling cross country had now hiring on their signs.

tylersign 11

This is what I'm afraid of, being in the music industry..

Sometimes, being over qualified(two degrees) won't get you a job in the field of those degrees, because people are scared to hire you, because they can't pay you what you'd expect from such high qualifications.

IphonFML 6

obviously # 1 and 7 work there themselves and are just jealous of ur success. continue looking and u'll get slmething (Y)

18 or they dont want to hire people with no experience. Especially if theyre old as well

23- It should be "without experience" "they're". You tried, and made a good point too, so why don't you finish it off with good grammar and proper spelling?

What's swype? I've never heard of it. And I mean no disrespect, I only corrected you because I respected your post. I am NOT a grammar or spelling Nazi.

fr33m3xican 0

fyl, mines the same way bro lol

yougotapes 7

Sorry for you and op.. Times are gard

lmfao_shame 9
tsume24 3

and my family wonders why I don't want to go to college.

rarememory 7

Agreed. At least not until the economy changes then I'll go

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I honestly have no faith in the mainstream education system anymore. It was shit when I was in school, and it's only getting worse from what I'm hearing.

NoobHat 6

Thank a long, long list of politicians and programs.

Degrees are pretty much a double edged sword. Sure you have a great degree, which really strengthens your chances of getting a great job, but until you actually get that job in this economy, the debt will Succumb you.

Well aint that a bitch >.> goodluck finding a job!!!

Well, there's always worm feces inspection...