Still relevant

By FMJoblessL - 04/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I am jobless after graduation. Ironic, since when I started college with my education degree, I was congratulated, told of the teacher shortage in my state, and how quickly I would be able to find a job. Three years in, the economy tanks, and the state issues a teacher hiring freeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 680
You deserved it 2 939

Same thing different taste

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That sucks OP. But yeah, its just the american way to start cutting down expenses on education as soon as possible. (Not trying to be anti-american or anything, its just that my mother and several of her friends had to leave the US to find a job as a teacher for basically this same reason. It wont be the last time that'll happen).

boarder700 0

If the unions were willing to work with the states these things wouldn't be so severe. Cuts need to be made sometimes. The unions refuse cuts so things like hiring freezes are the only things states can do. They can't just print money like the Fed. You should start harassing the local teachers union. Unions suck - especially civil servant unions


trackrunner00008 0

move to japan teach english to japaneese people or somthing lol

tubatrumpboy86 4
weddingbelle 0

Yeah I am from NC too, and our governor did screw over all the future teachers in this state. When I was graduating high school they were telling us that going to school to be an educator was a sure-fire way to get a job in the state, and I know a lot of people did.

You do realize that the economy cannot just completly fail in one year right? In order for the economy to suffer it takes a lot of time! In case you suddenly forgot calliebob, we've had Bush in office for the past eight years. So don't blame it on Obama.

I’m sick of people using President Bush as a scapegoat. Give the man a break especially in this situation! He always held education in a very high regard and tried his best to better America as he saw fit. As for the original FML post- I sympathize for your job-less. I hope your fortunes (and many others in the same situation) change soon!

Don't feel bad. Since it was on the upswing in 06 aviation was the hot spot to get into. Now ALL companies are in a hiring freeze and it's impossible to get a job anywhere. I'm expecting the same fate after graduating this year.

fmlpayne 0

You must be my friend "with a thousand nicknames" cause she is having the same problem.