Alexa, play "Cars" by Gary Numan

By Anonymous - 29/10/2019 16:00

Today, I ran a stop sign that was completely obscured by foliage, in a city I was unfamiliar with. A city bus then T-boned me. My car is now totalled, and I’m afraid this will now go to court. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 717
You deserved it 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a zillion pictures of the obscured sign, and sue the city for negligence. In court, you might be able to get some legal... ...wait on it...

If you just say you pine for justice, they'll be in the palm of your hand and root for you, and don't bark about the potential loss of life and limb.


Take a zillion pictures of the obscured sign, and sue the city for negligence. In court, you might be able to get some legal... ...wait on it...

Agreed but make sure you don’t act like a beech

If you just say you pine for justice, they'll be in the palm of your hand and root for you, and don't bark about the potential loss of life and limb.

You got so many puns in and it took me 10 minutes to come up with mine. 😂

Thank you! Punning is one of my superpowers. I'm just waiting for the comic book industry to discover me and create a franchise around me.😂😂😂

Your life sucks but at the same time the intersection was not obscured. The stop sign was. If there is no traffic light at an intersection then one of the directions if not all four has a stop sign. The fact you can't see any is reason to slow down while approaching the intersection.

Yes and no... If the other stop signs weren't visible easily from his vantage point, it's a covered stop sign. I don't have to stop at an intersection if there's no sign on my side but there is on the others, but I do slow down. It's not illegal to go through and if you don't see a sign, it's completely correct to assume the cross section does.

I wasn't talking legally was talking alive or dead. He got lucky. I'd rather yield right of way to someone else than die.

without any signpost indicating priority, as you always have to give way to the right. OP doesnt state if the bus tboned him from the left or from the right, but without any signs you should always slow down to a velocity alowwing you to quickly come to a full stop.

bl3ur0z3 17

Gonna have to sue the city. Take pics of the corner with the foliage obscuring the sign ASAP.

Take pictures of it obscured by foliage...

Well, the bad news is that if it's a city bus, you're definitely going to court.

Hire an atty. and take pix of obscured stop sign....

Congratulations! You're getting a new car and some spending money! If you took lots of good pictures of the "completely obscured" stop sign. If you didn't, the city has probably fixed the problem by now and you're completely screwed.