Still relevant

By FMJoblessL - 04/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I am jobless after graduation. Ironic, since when I started college with my education degree, I was congratulated, told of the teacher shortage in my state, and how quickly I would be able to find a job. Three years in, the economy tanks, and the state issues a teacher hiring freeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 680
You deserved it 2 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks OP. But yeah, its just the american way to start cutting down expenses on education as soon as possible. (Not trying to be anti-american or anything, its just that my mother and several of her friends had to leave the US to find a job as a teacher for basically this same reason. It wont be the last time that'll happen).

boarder700 0

If the unions were willing to work with the states these things wouldn't be so severe. Cuts need to be made sometimes. The unions refuse cuts so things like hiring freezes are the only things states can do. They can't just print money like the Fed. You should start harassing the local teachers union. Unions suck - especially civil servant unions


The same thing happened to me in 1992.

I definitely know how you feel. I'm going through the same predicament. I just graduated from a 4 year school with my Bachelor's in teaching and there seems to be no hope. To top it off...I just got a mortgage and now no way to pay for it.

Dang you should have joined the military ;) I can't smell the economy crisis from a mile away. I own a house, 40 acres, and my 7 project trucks have no payments. Not one iota of college.

gazelle_fml 0

I don't get it.... someone explain this to me in email... [email protected] thanksa

amask22 0

I live in Hickory, NC and it sucks.

stormin972 0
dustin1694 0

I got so confused reading this but I do have the tv on but still

perdix 29

When I was in school, they said there was a looming shortage of douchebags. So, I studied Douchebaggery at one of the douchiest institutions in the country and got my B.S.D.B. degree (contrary to popular belief, it is not a Bachelor's of Science, it's a Bullshit Douchebag degree -- accredited by the Massengill Corporation.) When I got out, boom! The market was flooded with douchebags. I did some graduate work at SEU (Summer's Eve University), but the situation was just as bad when I got out. Now, there is no work for douchebags, and all I can do it give it away for free here!

Why dont you work aboard? Like in Canada, England or the Middle East? Strangely, the middle east (the friendly ones) have a preference for white teachers....