
By Justin 'Cuntface' Bieber III - 14/06/2015 13:41 - United States - Jersey Shore

Today, at the supermarket, a woman came up to me and said I looked just like her son, who was killed in Afghanistan. She tearfully asked if she could hug me "one last time." It was a little weird, but I let her. Ten minutes later, at the checkout, I realized she'd pickpocketed my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 737
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm both impressed and concerned. mostly impressed though.


That is some grade A thievery right there.

hoosiergirl94 31

You should have told her no

Hindsight is 20/20, I'm sure in the moment OP was just being a nice guy.

yellowzinnias 20

This is a scam that was very common during Vietnam, and has been recycled recently. Another twist is, after she hugs her "son's" doppelganger, she'll ask if he'll indulge her and call her mom. If he will, she sticks close while shopping and then at the checkout she asks if she can go first, usually "so I don't have to watch my son walk away again." She'll find a way to distract him, ("Did you drop that?") and then tell the cashier he's her son and will pay for her groceries with his. Then, she waves and says, "Bye son!" Often, the victims reply, "Bye mom!" And voila, he ends up paying for the schemer's groceries.

I watched a video just like this in Spanish class. It actually makes more sense now when you explain it in plain English lol

FFS that is unbelievably cruel. Thanks for explaining the scam.

This is why I keep my money and phone in my bra. Lol. I'll notice if someone is trying to pickpocket me.

Great. Now I have to go fit myself for a bra.

nitemastr15 17

I just keep mine in my front pocket. hardwr to get it out without feeling it.

Keeping your phone in your bra can cause breast cancer. Tiny radiation can still do horrible things :/

I've been doing it since I was 13. I'm 22 now. I think I'm fine. :)

We all love your boob sweat. Nasty!!

bnbhimp 10

Simply wearing a bra can cause breast cancer. It constricts blood vessels and allows toxins to build up.

#98, that will only happen with ill-fitting bras. I wear proper fitted bras so I'm not too worried.

Also #74, I've already had radiation treatement for other things which is why I stated what I did. I'm fine.

Great name, bad luck. Supermarkets usually have cameras though so I bet something could be solved. Sorry about the wallet OP.

I saw that coming. Heard many a story just like this.

I watched a video in Spanish class where a woman did something just like this except she had the cashier convinced that the man was her son so that he would pay for him. Something like that.

it's a pretty old trick though an old women's tears can still be convincing and pathetic !!