
By Justin 'Cuntface' Bieber III - 14/06/2015 13:41 - United States - Jersey Shore

Today, at the supermarket, a woman came up to me and said I looked just like her son, who was killed in Afghanistan. She tearfully asked if she could hug me "one last time." It was a little weird, but I let her. Ten minutes later, at the checkout, I realized she'd pickpocketed my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 737
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm both impressed and concerned. mostly impressed though.


who carried their wallet in the back pocket?

I agree, that really is ! :/ OP is a good person. That woman needs to be kicked into next week !

Maybe he owed her money, but seriously very disgusting to use the death of a vet to steal.

Attacksloth 33

Agreed, be on your guard. Today it was your wallet, but given a little extra insanity, it could have been her shanking you in the gut as you leaned in for a hug. Strangers are unpredictable. It's a touching story, but when you think of it, some things don't add up.

Moral of the story: Don't hug random women.

DA3Z 16

Nothing impressive about it really, just a thief that happens to know how to use charisma. Pretty disrespectful to those we lose in wars though. Sorry OP

I guess she borrowed money from her son a lot.