
By Justin 'Cuntface' Bieber III - 14/06/2015 13:41 - United States - Jersey Shore

Today, at the supermarket, a woman came up to me and said I looked just like her son, who was killed in Afghanistan. She tearfully asked if she could hug me "one last time." It was a little weird, but I let her. Ten minutes later, at the checkout, I realized she'd pickpocketed my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 737
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm both impressed and concerned. mostly impressed though.


That's horrible! At least you did a good deed, we need more people like you. :)

Should've saw it coming, and checked right after, the bitch.

what a bitch!!!! people like that makes me sick. it's okay karma will get her in due time! cancel all your cards and report them stolen

foxwithit420 19

im onda guard when someone wants to touch me, even if i kno them, but i feel for u, its a very hugsy culture in US, u meant well

That is disgusting… seriously. Sorry OP

Yeah, that's some pretty ****** up shit, on her part. Some people just have absolutely no shame.

If I ever saw this lady, I'd punch her in the face. That's absolutely disgusting of her to disrespect fallen military to take a goddamn wallet.

All those saying he deserved it are bizarre to me. I had a similar situation where this women asked me for a hug because her husband had just passed away that same week and she was very upset about it. It's not all people who are like this the OP just happened to come across a bad apple.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Thats messed up, using people like that.