
By eayers2689 - 30/05/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I went to a barbecue and noticed a girl that I had be interested in. When I walked up to ask how she was doing I noticed she had some BBQ sauce on her face. Jokingly I licked my thumb and reach to remove it. It turned out to be a scab from a pimple she had popped earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 620
You deserved it 59 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would slap you if you licked your finger then touched me. YDI, for way intruding a thing called personal space.

Did you actually put your spit on her face? F Her L


Why would you ever smear your saliva on someone's face if that someone is anyone other than your child? YDI.

Glam_fml 0

Ick. Why would you do that? It's disgusting. It's more like **** her life - some creepy dude licked his finger and touched her face with it. I know I wouldn't want ANYONE to do that to me, not even my closest friends, boyfriend, or family. It wouldn't have been so bad if you wouldn't have licked your finger. Like numerous other people said, you are lucky you didn't lose your finger or get kicked in the balls. You definately need to brush up on your flirting skills.

Illustrator 0

It's not like he was slobbering on her, you douches. (Hopefully.) Wet the tip of your finger like you're going to turn a page in a book, then touch your face with it. Big ******* deal, eh? Now if he walked up to a total stranger and did it, that's a different story entirely. But eww. I haven't had any pimples worth popping in years, but I don't remember EVER having any that scabbed over afterwards. They're not supposed to bleed; that's disgusting.

Here just let me smear my spit on your face without asking. YDI and F Her Life.

jewelzgalore 0
alex_vik 0

#13 - You're a stuck up bitch.

GOD PEOPLE he said "JOCKINGLY i licked my thumb to remove it." cant anyone see the funny side of this

The people who basically said, "i would kick your ass if you touched me" you are all really annoying. sure it's not right for him to do that. but don't say you would "kick his ass" you just sounds obnoxious and you're trying waaaaaaaay too hard to be cool and tough. and your not.