
By eayers2689 - 30/05/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I went to a barbecue and noticed a girl that I had be interested in. When I walked up to ask how she was doing I noticed she had some BBQ sauce on her face. Jokingly I licked my thumb and reach to remove it. It turned out to be a scab from a pimple she had popped earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 620
You deserved it 59 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would slap you if you licked your finger then touched me. YDI, for way intruding a thing called personal space.

Did you actually put your spit on her face? F Her L


likeduhhx4 0
Whaddabe 0

Well that sucks.... She didn't go for the old "licking your finger and tenderly touching her" move?

thepunisher_fml 0

honest mistake ill give u that but couldnt u have gotten a napkin instead??

ew.. how could you mistake bbq sauce for a scab..

What? A Pimple for BBQ? Sir, GTFO out of my board.

DarkMirror 0

Well...ew...I mean it was just a mistake, but still...ew...

Hey you got some BBQ sauce on your cheek. You know what would be better? SALIVA!

erroneousx2 0

I LOL'ed at number one. Made my day aha. But, that's pretty nasty. :P

Why would you think your spit would make a good cleaning agent?

It would make more sense to just tell her there was something on her face.