
By eayers2689 - 30/05/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I went to a barbecue and noticed a girl that I had be interested in. When I walked up to ask how she was doing I noticed she had some BBQ sauce on her face. Jokingly I licked my thumb and reach to remove it. It turned out to be a scab from a pimple she had popped earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 620
You deserved it 59 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would slap you if you licked your finger then touched me. YDI, for way intruding a thing called personal space.

Did you actually put your spit on her face? F Her L


awesomeperson 0

mmm yummy. nothing better then a good zit scab

Shandiland 0

You don't just lick your finger and put it on someone's face!!!!! F Her L

My thoughts exactly when reading this FML. I might throw up in a few minutes, it's so disgusting.

Ms_Thingie 0

If it was mebefor u even got ur finger anywere near my face I'd kick ur balls really hard And also how do u get a scab from poping a pimple???

Alec314195 1

girls think its sexy when you lick your thumb and put it on your face. what did you expect her to say "Ohh yeah you wipe BBQ sauce off my face like a bad boy"????

you are sick imiture and bad with grammer

seconds_away 0

Wow that's disgusting, why would you lick your finger and put it on someone's face? Yeah F her Life.