
By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 05:00 - United States

Today, I sliced my finger open because my roommate's girlfriend put a broken ceramic plate in the recycling. I was putting some paper in the bin and all of a sudden, an inch and a half of my flesh is naked to the world. I don't have medical insurance, so I fixed it with Superglue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 725
You deserved it 9 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohheykiwi 2

You're gonna die. It's gonna get infected. And you will die.

FYL for living in a country with no National health care


Same with me #76 I had appendicitis was in a bed in the hospital within an hour and had the surgery the next afternoon. I don’t know where these American are getting their so called "fax" from but I think I can guess. The HMO’s are making billions of dollars and a government health care would ruin them so they bribe government officials and make propaganda commercials so the keep screwing people over... and they call us Canadians socialists lol.

Dude... Clean it out with cold water, wrap a paper towel around it til you can get to the pharmacy and get some gauze and medical tape and just wrap it up yourself afterwards You're a dumbass.. you really should deserve this one if I see another one from you saying your cut was infected.

tomakobriefs 11

You couldn't have just, you know, sat the paper in the bin? You had to just give it a shove without looking? Wow, super-smart.

they use super glue in the ER as well for some stitches. you will be fine so long as the flap of skin is centered appropriately.

All of the self proclaimed medical pros on here are morons. I super glue wounds on a weekly basis. I keep a tube in my first aid kit right next to alchohol. Get the bleeding to stop or at least subside, clean it, and glue the shit out of it. I have been doing this for years and still have all of my fingers, toes, ect. Befor you give advice, stop, pull your head out of your asses and think. Is it possible that it might atcually work.

Dude, stop being such a pussy. This is badass. This is something that you should be bragging about, not crying over like a little baby. "Check this out, I ripped my finger open, and instead of getting stitches and shit, I fixed it in five seconds by myself with SUPER GLUE. **** YEAH." You'll probably get a date this way, trust me. Girls love guys that can solve problems in simple, unconventional ways. They also love guys that don't bitch and moan over a cut.

UnearthlyEnemy 9

YDIA For being a dumb ****** and putting glue. Cocknockers like you make the world a worse place.

superglue was actually invented for that reason...but I would never try that myself.. so glad to live in Canada, and don't have to worry about paying for a Dr. -and no, unlike people keep saying, we don't have to wait for days to see one... that's just ridiculous.