
By Anonymous - 05/11/2011 01:21 - United States

Today, I was dared to walk home through a rough part of town. My rep hung in the balance, so I accepted. A kid kicked a football in my direction, so I kicked it back at him hard. It hit him in the nuts, and the next thing I know, I'm running for my life from three bald, shirtless, six-packed thugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 805
You deserved it 37 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your "rep" won't matter when you're dead.

At least they were only chasing you, you can't outrun a bullet


2ndSucks 15

I saw the words 'dared' and 'rep' then hit YDI.

So you're going to put yourself in danger to keep your reputation? Is it really worth it? Get new friends if you have to maintain a reputation to keep the ones you have!

Why were you on my reservation in the first place?!?!

eastsidesoldier 7

U shoulda called me over I woulda tooken care of that :) mexican style

I just like the fact you tried to act all tough and ended hittin a kid in the nuts with a football. lmao...priceless.

perdix 29

They probably just wanted to share their beer with you. A direct nutshot get mad propz in the hood. I hope they had high-quality, tasty beer and not swill like Bud Light.

FYLDeep 25

Hey, Bud Light ain't so bad. It has a tolerable taste, it will get you drunk if you drink enough of it, and it doesn't give you a hangover. There's plenty of worse beers you could drink, Natty Ice for example.

perdix 29

Maybe, but it's not Leinenkugel's or anything from New Glarus. Amirite, amirite or amirite?

FYLDeep 25

Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest beer is pretty damn good IMO. I haven't had much for some of the more pricey varieties of beer though.

No you're not ******* right! Bud light is a nice lady! Treat her as such!

drawmesunshine 17

Bud Light is piss. I'd go for a Corona or a Fat Tire.

drawmesunshine 17
slushpup9696 12

Thugs are pretty bad but when they're bald, have no shirts, and don't eat carbs...then that's even worst.