
By Anonymous - 05/11/2011 01:21 - United States

Today, I was dared to walk home through a rough part of town. My rep hung in the balance, so I accepted. A kid kicked a football in my direction, so I kicked it back at him hard. It hit him in the nuts, and the next thing I know, I'm running for my life from three bald, shirtless, six-packed thugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 805
You deserved it 37 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your "rep" won't matter when you're dead.

At least they were only chasing you, you can't outrun a bullet


HU4L188 0

Thats his fault for not being able to catch

That's why I wouldn't do that w/o a gun and knife ready.

tacotaco109 0

/: don't do stupid shiit just to be cool

Your rep hung in the balance? That's got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

They sound like hotties! Get me their numbers please!

typing while running from people is always acceptable

So you nearly got yourself killed because you're worried about your reputation? Your "friends" or whoever dared you to walk down that dangerous part of town don't sound like people you should associate with.