Rule 34

By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 15:26 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I let my 9-year-old daughter use my tablet while I made her dinner. A few minutes later, she let out a blood-curdling scream. Turned out she'd searched for My Little Pony pictures and stumbled upon a drawing of Rainbow Dash giving another pony a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 510
You deserved it 5 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

install a blocker to hide XXX content. all children's shows nowadays are being corrupted by the internet. hopefully she isn't traumatized


Seriously? Let's all blame all the bronies because they're gross and they all sexualize little kids' shows? No, of course none of them just like the show and don't do anything perverted with it at all. Since they're adults and most of them are men they all have to sexualize it. Seriously, people. There is nasty **** on the Internet for pretty much any show you can think of, children's shows included. Enough with the "bronies are nasty" bullshit.

When the lifeguard yells out "Hey you kids, no running!" at the pool do you stand up and cry "But, but not EVERYONE was running! Just because they're kids you assume they're running! Not fair!"

Uh, yeah, that analogy made no sense at all. Seriously, pictures of "sexy Disney kinks", which included a picture of Ariel and Eric in a bathtub pleasuring each other, were ALL OVER Facebook not long ago and people liked it. But no, a few people make a bit of pony ****, and dear god, how dare they?! They're all disgusting!

Or, you know, you're only focusing on how offended you are people are upset about what YOU like because you see more complaints about subjects you actively seek out? Someone who never looks for pizza isn't going to feel attacked when they're favorite chain is dissed, because chances are it's not something they're going to run into. If you go looking for pony **** you're more likely to see negative comments about pony ****. I'm sure there's some logic fallacy regarding this but it's pointless to try to debate it. It will only end up with someone thinking they're being attacked for their fandom.

ourtneyc 14

Who said anything about looking for pony ****? What are you even talking about?

Thank you, you win the medal of "but time someone said something"

And there's literally a group that is dedicated to making sure **** doesn't pop up if you have safe search on. They check twice a month. If you decide to let your child search without supervision and without safe search, we can't do anything. They try to make sure safe search is safe, it's parents jobs to take advantage of that.

ezrajab 22

can i get a link for ah, research purposes...

she found the sect of the bronies that should not be found by the incocent people of the brony and normal comunity dear god may she forget this experience and never have this happen because jesus this would be terifying if i didnt already know bronies did this sick and twisted shit and my eyes are burning just picturing it for myself and why is this coment so long i usually keep my comments terse and ACTUALLY SHE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE SHIT THE BRONIES MAKE AND MAY GOD HAVE EVERY LAST INCH OF MERCY ON HER SOUL BECAUSE SHE'LL JUST FIND MORE MLP R34 SO SHOW AS MUCH AS POSIBLE TO HER NOW AND MAKE IT TO WHERE SHE IS NO LONGER SCARED BY THIS SHIT AND I HOPE SHE FORGETS THIS HORRIBLE EXPERIECNE

Strict safe search...and lock it... I sure hope she doesn't know what it meant just two horses in dancing position...