By Embarrassed wife - 21/12/2018 14:00

Today, I let my 5 year old play on my tablet while we were both using one of those family restrooms with two toilets. She took a selfie showing both on us on the toilet and sent it to my husband. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 1 706
You deserved it 1 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it was sent to someone who already knows you both intimately. That was actually probably the best case scenario in that situation. But it’s definitely time for a lesson on privacy!


And why did you let her play on your tablet while she was using the toilet?

At least it was sent to someone who already knows you both intimately. That was actually probably the best case scenario in that situation. But it’s definitely time for a lesson on privacy!

At least it was your husband and no one else.

Poor job kid. You should know that kind of pic needs to be sent to mommy's boss.

I don't get why this is a FML. Embarrassing yes, but not FML worthy in my opinion.

YDI for letting a five-year-old play with a tablet. I'm fed up with seeing these little kids with brand new phones, tablets, etc. They don't need them and they're not mature enough for them. And they'll just fry their brains.

Woah! Easy there, Tiger. Calm down & get with the times! 😂

can’t even give your kid a rest from the tech stuff even on the toilet? thank god i was part of the last tech-free generation!

fde2blknimout 18

I wish there was a way to put a passcode on the camera and photos