Large spread

By Anonymous - 07/05/2023 06:00

Today, as I went to put a portion of a rotisserie chicken in the microwave, the rest of the chicken slid off the counter. I instinctively tried to catch it with my foot, which resulted in me punting it into the kitchen ceiling fan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 700
You deserved it 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kickin' Chicken? If that's not already the name of a chicken joint, you ought build one! I'd be a... ...wait on it...

A falling knife has no handle. That stinks because you now have a much larger mess to clean than if you juat let it fall.


A falling knife has no handle. That stinks because you now have a much larger mess to clean than if you juat let it fall.

Kickin' Chicken? If that's not already the name of a chicken joint, you ought build one! I'd be a... ...wait on it...

So that's how chicken nuggets get made..

This is truly impressive, and you should be proud. I this with minimal irony, because punting a rotisserie chicken sounds like something out of the Farside!

Dude, if you wanted shredded chicken, there are easier, more effective methods to accomplish that. OMG I am dying, that is hysterical!