Pure class

By DanceOnTheEdge - 20/07/2009 01:23 - United States

Today, I was riding in the car with my boyfriend. While he was driving, I held out my hand as an offer for him to hold it. Instead, he grabs me by the wrist and shoves my hand down his pants. Lovely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 687
You deserved it 19 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww.. Your boyfriend is a pervert.. I would never do that to my girlfriend..


I'm pretty sure your boyfriend was just trying to be funny. You should probably tell him that you don't appreciate when he does that, though.

jewelzgalore 0
z3r0ram 0

he could have pushed your face down instead sticky hand > sticky mouth

#65: WELL DUH! Rednecks inbreed all the time! Is that a surprise to you??

You people act like he violated her. They are dating, so he did something immature it's not as of she fought back and said no. Really you feminists need to get over it.

he kind of did violate her. just because you're dating someone doesn't give you the right to completely disregard his/her right to his/her own body. you don't just grab someone's hand and shove it down your pants. though i do agree with you that his actions were quite immature. so no, it's not like he raped her or anything. but what he did was unacceptable.

kendalle_fml 0

its not even so much that he did it, its all fine and fun sometimes but there is a time and a place for that.

OK, Canadians are NOT assholes thank you very much. As for the whole stuffing of your hand down his pants, if you want to hold his hand put it on his leg and he will hold it, then move it to the middle of the car. My bf would do the same thing probablly... if I didn't do it first. It's called instigating and trying to turn someone on. Unless you don't get turned on by hard cocks.....

um... i kind of have a few more prerequisites before i'm turned on... you know, other than "hard ****." if that was the only requirement, then damn, i'd be horny all the time! so is your boyfriend's excuse for foreplay just showing you his "hard ****"? kind of self-absorbed.

haha... now you know my problem. Thankfully self control is a wonderful thing. And foreplay is a hell of a lot more then that... sheesh. Don't think I let him get off with nothing! lol. Besides he always pleases me so it's good.

well, power to you then! haha just saying not everyone appreciates their SO being that straightforward, (with the OP being an example of one such person)

Westy543 0

I don't mean to sound idiotic, but you DO deserve it for having a boyfriend. Just make sure he knows you weren't comfortable with this.

You're right. She should have a girlfriend instead..

Prettyfunny 0

I'm fairly sure he was just trying to be funny. I thought it was funny. Granted, if my boyfriend actually did that I'd be like wtf, so it's understandable that she'd be upset. I think it's one of those laugh-about-it-later moments... but whatever.

mozrox 0

Eh... My boyfriend does that all the time. No big deal.