It's how dey make dah mahnee

By Anonymous - 10/08/2022 04:00

Today, working in PR, I've been unable to attend 2 out of 3 of my booked tours. That "non-refundable, zero excuses" policy with the billion dollar online activities provider has me out $400. So, instead of enjoying what should be a beautiful PR birthday trip, I'm online now scheduling returns of clothes and jewelry to cover the losses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 543
You deserved it 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that Puerto Rico or Public Relations? Or Pediatric Radiology? Or Petroleum Recovery? Too...many...possibilities!

How does missing a tour cost you more money than going so that you’re out money? As opposed to spending more on your trips than you could afford in the first place?


Is that Puerto Rico or Public Relations? Or Pediatric Radiology? Or Petroleum Recovery? Too...many...possibilities!

How does missing a tour cost you more money than going so that you’re out money? As opposed to spending more on your trips than you could afford in the first place?