By porkythighs - 27/12/2009 14:19 - Singapore

Today, I was driving in the car with my boyfriend and he couldn't keep his hands off me. Nothing to complain about when your boyfriend likes to touch you, right? Except when he keeps smacking your jiggly thighs to watch the ripples and 'tenderize the pork chops'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 353
You deserved it 7 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the butterfly effect. one touch can produce ripples that affects the entire other side of your body.

a cushion for the pushin. if he's playing with the pork chops, you should play with his tiny limp noodle.



Really? She shouldn't be complaining. She should be grateful that he's still with her disgusting thighs.

really you're just an ass. and probably american. She ought to tell him to stop, it's disrespectful to her. He does not like it then he should leave or tell her that he doesn't like it.

most of the world hates our government. the middle class is usually not super trollish. I know a lot of good Americans. Problem is that our government and people from the Jersey Shore show makes it look like all Americans are either idiots or douchebags.

You are complaining bout people from the Jersey shore? Try living in the same state where they migrate every summer.

This rant on America is brought to you by England. It's perfect.

if you look closely it says singapore dumbass..

oh believe me he likes it, if he didn't he wouldn't even bother to touch them

If you live in America, you're American. But as for your heritage/ethnicity or whatever, you look Asian. **** if we're hated so much why does everyone immigrant here...I wonder... And OP, be happy. He actually likes your, by what you say, fat thighs.

I just find it odd (?) that while everyone was talking about American's I thought to myself how it seems like every country has another country they like to make fun of or put down. And it passed my mind that I hear a lot of Americans dissing on the French, and then you just happen to be French. I doubt odd is the right word, but it was just a strange coincidence I guess...

Hugorgy 0

Yeah, that show should be renamed "New York Guidos".

NataleeC 0

@ Cuffpin: wait what?? erm. . .*taps shoulder*. . . .I'm Jamaican and living in America, still doesn't change the fact that I'm Jamaican. . . .just wanted to get that straight with you and by the way its migrate, not immigrant. . .

MeiryTron 0

The comment box says speak your mind, but please TRY to be respectful. He spoke his mind, and it could have been worse. So stfu.(:

A rude comment followed by an irrelevant argument over Americans.

Humbaba 0

dude, many skinny people have fat on their thighs. you cant have NO fat on your body, especially if youre a girl. if you didnt then you wouldnt have ****. just bc u've never gotten laid shows wht a douche u rlly r. (:

Everyone has fat on their thighs, my gf has thick thighs yet she isn't fat what so ever

This isn't an FML this is a FHL! Lose the weight or you're going to lose him. Duh!

MiaKong 0

So her being over weight means he is going to leave her? Wow that must be some true love there. "If your fat ass doesn't lose weight I will find someone better." If he's with her he obviously doesn't have a huge problem with it.

the butterfly effect. one touch can produce ripples that affects the entire other side of your body.

I think I'm going to add this to my favorites just so I can read this comment again. It made this FML worth it.

Maybe he just likes chunky girls.... take it as a sign of his attraction toward you....?

schwinn11 0

Hell yeah, there's nothing wrong with a little jiggle

haha you're even more fat then me! Every one above and elow me are fags

GeorgeBoosh 0

yum, thighs. Nice juicy, tender thighs, basted and deep fried with 11 secret herbs and spices… Lose weight girl, or tone up. An exercise program on a thigh master, or ping pong balls, and he'll move on to other body parts.

a cushion for the pushin. if he's playing with the pork chops, you should play with his tiny limp noodle.