Pills, thrills and bellyaches

By Anonymous - 24/09/2019 20:00

Today, I came home from surgery to remove my tonsils. It's a much better surgery to have as a kid, because when you get older it's much more painful. I didn't know my mom liked pain killers. I do now, because I have none left and I haven't even taken any yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 000
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your mom took an entire bottle of pain pills in a short amount of time? Is she still alive??

LostSoul 19

It is dangerous as an adult. My adult daughter ended up with pneumonia.


LostSoul 19

It is dangerous as an adult. My adult daughter ended up with pneumonia.

Is your mom took an entire bottle of pain pills in a short amount of time? Is she still alive??

TheCrazedHare 7

well things like that they dont usually prescribe it for more than a week, so yes she should be fine. technically.

Man up and deal with the pain. Your mom did you a favor -- by being a junkie hooked on painkillers, she's preventing you from becoming one.

You shouldn’t tell someone to man up. It’s rude and misogynistic. Also, don’t message me saying I’m bullying you because I disagree.

Misogynistic? Where are you getting that? The OP appears to be male and that's the way we talk to each other.

Report her to cops that she stole your meds

Mungolikecandy 19

If she took that many in that time then it is not a case of liking painkillers but your mum is a serious addict.

TheCrazedHare 7

So, legitimately they are nifty but as someone who has taken them for fun and actually needed them that is messed up. EVEN when I was at my worst I never wanted people who ACTUALLY needed them to go without what they needed because I care about them and dont/didn't want them in pain. Regardless of any habit you (not you specifically have) if they ever steal or ask when you actually need it they obviously don't care if you are in active pain. What sucks too is pain medication is so regulated you couldn't be able to get a refill. (and IF you did your insurance wouldn't cover it.) from someone who suffers chronic pain. I'm so sorry, that is shitty and tbh you should call her out.