By UsedForSurgery - 28/10/2017 01:30

Today, after having surgery, I called my family to tell them I was out, safe, and on my way home. The first thing they asked was if they could "borrow" some of my pain meds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 784
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a lock box and keep your pain medication in it, because they WILL steal it and leave you to suffer, if they have the opportunity.

I’m sorry your family has no sense of decency and propriety. During your recuperation, your relatives should support you and not make such requests. They should ask if they can “buy” some of your pain meds.


Get a lock box and keep your pain medication in it, because they WILL steal it and leave you to suffer, if they have the opportunity.

Elizabeth McElveen Horne 19

Was going to say this, because it happened to me. After I had a hysterectomy at 24, my asshole brother took my pain meds.

fortysixandtwo 4

that's ****** up dude I wish I had some drugs now to escape my reality

I’m sorry your family has no sense of decency and propriety. During your recuperation, your relatives should support you and not make such requests. They should ask if they can “buy” some of your pain meds.

Lobby_Bee 17

They don't deserve one pain pill if none of them came to see you out of the hospital after a surgery.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

I’m not family. Can I have some??? At least I don’t think we’re family. If so sorry dude my bad. But seriously got anything good?