By teaspoonzz - 25/10/2017 15:00

Today, I walked into the ladies' bathroom to find my male boss taking a dump with the stall door wide open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 621
You deserved it 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems to me that the men in the office have a thing for women's washrooms since OP is also a male..

exileonmainst 16

Christ, what happened to common courtesy? Everyone knows that if you take a dump in the women’s bathroom you leave the door ajar, not completely open.


exileonmainst 16

Christ, what happened to common courtesy? Everyone knows that if you take a dump in the women’s bathroom you leave the door ajar, not completely open.

Ze could have identified as a lady who needed to take a raging dump.

Did you just assume you had a decent sense of humour?

It seems to me that the men in the office have a thing for women's washrooms since OP is also a male..

This is a pet peeve of mine. I've always lived in areas with multiple area codes in use in a relatively close radius and I hate it when lettered vehicles or ads don't include the area code. So which of the three area codes do I use????

how the heck did that happen? I hadn't even clicked on this post yet :-P

Is your boss creed? I herd a rumor he can only go number 2 in the women room.

EleanorDilligaf 5

Obviously he, I mean she, identifies as a woman. Be careful you don't offend him, I mean her.