By KP - 25/06/2009 16:22 - United States

Today, while I was working a customer notified me that the men's restroom need some attention. Thinking that there was just a small mess, I walked into the restroom only to discover someone had taken a crap in the sink. Guess who got to clean it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 120
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry you had putting up with other peoples shit.. hehe

unluckky but what kind of place do you work in seriously?


unluckky but what kind of place do you work in seriously?

A convenience store, unfortunately.

a1mostevi1 0

well thats the most "convenient" place to put it... i mean... the stalls are WAY at the back of the bathroom and some people cant be ****** to walk ALL the way back there. fyl.

I'll choose a different place next time. Sorry.

SweetThang 0
bosco_kk 0

Lol When I was working in a hospital, I had to clean those recipients where the patients crap...with my hands...only gloves. So I feel your pain.

recipients? Lol... Don't try to go for big words (like receptacles) if you aren't entirely sure what they mean.

Im guessing you... Fyl because he didn't tell you the full story or just cleaning the shit? BTW dont expect your boss or manager to yell that somebody shit in the sink.

coldplaylive2003 0

Just turn on the water and let it take care of itself

curryndricegirll 0

oh please don't do that. I mean, yes, FYL, but actually clean it, because if you just turn the water on and it looks clean, imagine the next person who uses the sink and doesn't know...they just washed their hands in...yeah. Btw, it was probably some man with a baby that wasn't potty trained, didn't know what to do, so he panicked and had the kid take a dump in the sink. or....all of the stalls were full. So FHL for having to take a dump in the sink because all of the stalls were taken. And imagine if you'd walked in on that...disgusting.

lolzforfun228 3

i seriously doubt that. Plus im guessing that this was a shit that was obviously not taken by a baby.

Aww, I'm sorry you had to do that :/ disgusting.