Pay your respects

By whymyliferose - 03/06/2011 04:47 - United States

Today, my boss's cat died. I'm expected to attend the service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 147
You deserved it 4 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In Republic of Korea, that would be lunchtime.

roeroe66 0

I thought cats had 9 lives!!?


I would ask for the day off, and lie and say that it's to cover up your sorrow for your boss' cat.

Haha this sounds like an episode of the office

Don't be such a tight ass. The poor hut's cat died, and he was probably very close to it. I'm very close to my animals. I love them like family. it's probably the same with him. Ever heard of love and compassion?

Well hopefully it is on a weekday so you don't have to show up to work

kittykat1501 31

YOU BETTER!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor kitty RIP