By The_HML - 24/03/2009 02:48 - United States

Today, I was swimming in the ocean, not too far off shore. I had asked my mom to come in, but she was afraid of the water because fish had nipped at her toes or something back in the day. I told her there was nothing to fear. I ended up getting stung in the balls by a Jelly fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 989
You deserved it 11 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my balls hurt just reading my thoughts are with them at this hard time

alliewillie 22

And the Loser Award goes to....


alliewillie 22

And the Loser Award goes to....

my balls hurt just reading my thoughts are with them at this hard time

Azreal423 0

I dont think you would be typing this if you got stung in the balls by a jellyfish. if you did get stung by a jellyfish in the nuts you would most likely be in the hospital right now.

most of these arent from "today" it just does that in every single one of them

iJasper 8

GoGoGadgetLMFAO, your picture is awesome :X

Guiseppi 0

Youch. That's painful to even think about. Hope you feel better man...