Party in my underpants!

By Anonymous - 06/08/2020 14:02

Today, you could think I was hosting a festival. Main event: Aunt Flow & The Zits. Preceded by: Mopey & the Munchies. After Party with: The Bloats and The Farts. Whoever hasn’t left by then will have to see The Bloody Underpants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 236
You deserved it 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Were you not bothered by the one about the guy who refused to shower during quarantine and his girlfriend can’t even eat in the same room as him because he smells like “a locker room filled with ballsacks that had an orgy with gym socks”? Or the one with the husband who ate the bad seafood and was ******** and vomiting for hours in the bathroom in the couple’s small living space, attached to their bedroom, and the wife couldn’t get away from the smell? Or a bunch of other shit posted by/about guys I haven’t looked up, but those are just from the last few days. If you’re going to bitch about gross women, bitch about gross guys too always talking about their ***** and farts and dick juice and whatever. A lot of that shit grosses me out too, but I don’t generalize it and blame it on an entire gender or group of people.

Hey, FML isn't a dating site! Are you trying to get the fellas all hot and bothered with your bawdy talk?


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Marcella1016 31

Were you not bothered by the one about the guy who refused to shower during quarantine and his girlfriend can’t even eat in the same room as him because he smells like “a locker room filled with ballsacks that had an orgy with gym socks”? Or the one with the husband who ate the bad seafood and was ******** and vomiting for hours in the bathroom in the couple’s small living space, attached to their bedroom, and the wife couldn’t get away from the smell? Or a bunch of other shit posted by/about guys I haven’t looked up, but those are just from the last few days. If you’re going to bitch about gross women, bitch about gross guys too always talking about their ***** and farts and dick juice and whatever. A lot of that shit grosses me out too, but I don’t generalize it and blame it on an entire gender or group of people.

taylomv0019, you should know that FML is for people over the age of 13 only.

Hey, FML isn't a dating site! Are you trying to get the fellas all hot and bothered with your bawdy talk?

This sounds like a Rick and Morty episode. Where the hell are the pirates?

Coachella really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for their virtual festival this year. ******* virus bullshit...

"Ya know I'm gonna cry cry...yeah, it's a party in the TMI..."

I'm just finishing mine up. good luck OP!

Bloody hilarious 😂 And for everyone that thinks women talking about periods is tmi.... grow up, it’s a part of life.